Friday, May 17, 2013

Funny things in/about China

Since Dal is gone on business this weekend I have more than enough time to blog once the kids are asleep. So  I thought it would be fun to record/share some of our fav. funny things about/in China.

-The sidewalk always has feces on it. The street we take from the subway to our house we have named "long poop street," "poop rock" is also located on this street and is always adorned with a fresh bit of potpourri.
-One of the phrases I have memorized here is "Oh look there are two!" And they giggle and laugh. Two children in China, especially Beijing is rare. People often ask if they are twins... (My thought process is always, seriously, how close did you look?) But here in China one of the only ways to get around the one child policy is to have twins. Our stroller also surprises people, since one of the kids are assumed to not exist until they make a noise and all of the sudden people realize there is another behind the child they can see.
- Couples love to wear matching shirts when they go in public. The zoo, parks, site seeing areas are more often than not partially populated by couples without children in matching outfits, or the same shirt. :)
-If you (as in a white person, or a white person with kids) hold still for more than a moment, expect to become surrounded. At the park the other day a few of us were sitting down nursing our babies. A swarm of Chinese people came around us and as some would trickle off, more would fill in there place.  We become the entertainment wherever we go.
-You can get almost anything delivered to your door. (One of Dallin's fav. things!)
-I found Lucky Charms at an import store today for $15! Whew, you can get anything if you are willing to pay a bag of gold nuggets and your left shoe.
-When Chinese people become uncomfortable they will often laugh. For example, Mitch begins throwing a fit in public, old people will stare at me and then laugh. (Doesn't help my frustration, but ya gotta love it). The funny thing is I have noticed Mitch will react the same way when he knows he has done something naughty and he isn't sure how to respond, or how I will respond. It may be a result of underdeveloped social skills. Since so many other areas of learning are pressed here it seems possible that social skills can become underdeveloped. (This is an assumption of course).
-The markets are incredible! I love the produce here, you almost can't go wrong.
-The Chinese are like backseat parents. It is so wonderful in so many ways. Mitch will get to close to the pond and two chinese women will be there holding onto him. Sounds like an exaggeration but it is pretty close to the truth. When it is cold all you hear is that your baby is too cold, shouldn't be outside, ect. Older Chinese women are especially opinionated, and why shouldn't they be, they are the ones raising the children.
-It is normal and honorable to live with multiple generations. As the grandparents retire they care for the housekeeping and grandchildren while the parents go to work. Hence the reason I end up chillin with the grandmas. They are wonderful.
-It is a dog eat dog world. Push a little here, shove a little there, if you don't work your way to the front of the line carefully you may never make it. Leave a little room and you'll have a new friend or two in front of you. :)

Heavenly Father knows and loves the people here. We have met some incredible people already who feel so ready for the message of the gospel. I hope one day they get to hear it.  It is sad to know that the majority of these people have no knowledge of Christ. I start to cry at the thought of living my life without the blessings of the gospel and my savior.

side note: if you want a book to read to learn more about China's history and culture "Wild Swans" is a fabulous narrative about three generations of women in China. It is fascinating and eye opening.

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