Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hi Guys

Hi... well Abby lost the cord that allows us to put pictures on here, but we have had a lot of fun things happen none the less. Since our last post we went to Disneyland, started school, studied until our brains were completely fried, and, a bit more recent piece of excitement, discovered that the utensils at Rammono's Macaroni Grill in Provo are magnetized! We were eating there last night and I was able to suspend my fork in the air by the magnetic force that was emitted by the knife... it was awesome.
Well that is about all of the excitement that we can handle around here. Only about one more month and the little man should be here!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dude! You better buy a new cord before Mitchell Judd comes! I won't be able to see him or hold him for a long time, so you can bet that I will be super mad if you don't post pictures of him!!! Good luck with school and with preparing for your boy! We sure love you guys!!!!!!!
