Mitch's fist trip to the cabin!
Well ever since I started Nursing school life has become pretty hectic.... at least in my brain. So here are just a few of the things we have been up to.... during April and some of May...
Well ever since I started Nursing school life has become pretty hectic.... at least in my brain. So here are just a few of the things we have been up to.... during April and some of May...
Blessing outfit.....two months later.... and with terrible lighting..... But such a cute boy! The outfit turned out darling! Joan made the tie and my mom made the pants from my moms wedding dress! The shirt is a darling one-z white collared shirt from our bishop and his wife!
What myself and my house has become... a mess. Me working on my final show before school started.
Ha ha! You don't have to be sorry; Dallin does;-). If he teases again about blogging, he is gonna have to deal with me and my mean self. SCARY!!! I really do love the updates!!! Good luck with the craziness of nursing school! You will do awesome, simply because you are awesome!