Friday, March 11, 2011

One day.....

One day....
I'll clean my house and it will stay clean.
I will be on time.
My homework will get done when I plan.
I won't go low at night anymore and end up devouring the entire kitchen in two minutes flat.
I won't feel so emotional from rollercoaster hormones due to pregnancy or post pregnancy.
My jeans will fit the way they used to.
I'll have dinner ready before 8:00pm.
I will get to exercise again.
I will get to sleep through the night.
..... but when that day comes my baby won't be little anymore.
He won't calm down- only when I hold him.
He won't fall asleep in my arms, holding his blanket with his arm
and my finger with his hand.
He won't smile and make cute noises when I sing to him.

So I'll find contentment somewhere in between and love my life right now because eventually that one day will come, and I'll probably miss right now.

1 comment:

  1. First off, a huge CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is seriously so awesome that you got into your nursing program! Your life is going to be quite intense, but really exciting, for the next couple years.

    Second, I totally love this post; I feel your pain. Although, I am still trying to get back into my jeans at this point, so you are definitely ahead of me on that one. And I just have to say that the first one on your list is really impossible, since children absolutely believe in the theories about entropy that state that the natural state is one of disorder;-)
